Magyarország önrendelkezése és szuverenitása

Quoted post



2012-01-22 23:30

The name of Attila the Scourge of God was known all over the world, except here in Hungary during socialism.
We the people of Attila's Land want to know everything about our history, but nothing has changed during the last 20 years in capitalism.
In the name of "freedom, equality, fraternity" were said more lies than ever in ancient history.
Liberalism, globalism, capitalism,socialism...are similar lying systems, covering the real aim to attack innocent nations!
The born of USA was much more democratic, when all states were not forced into it, but all states waited its membership. e.g. Nevada was rejected four times, because of polygamy, which is prohibited in USA.
I wish the Europian Union would be a bit similar to the USA, so to be a member of EU helped the good moral in normal direction!
Dr. Gera Lajosné



#3973 Re:

2012-01-22 23:33:21