

2011-12-17 22:56

we need more of good values and faith in this world



2011-12-17 22:57

Mukesh patel
Save our holy cows and lord Krishna



2011-12-17 23:25

Please don't do this!!!



2011-12-18 00:06

Please do not harass people who are helping others.



2011-12-18 00:12

Sad that such a thing goes on in Hungary.

#3306 Discrimination of the Sweetest People

2011-12-18 02:44

This sadens me that the sweetest people on the earth, the Devotees, who open their Temples to all people of all races, religion, social status and backgrounds holding no descrimination against anyone who wish to inquire about God, are constantly being per secuted. Devotees do not harm any living creature, they encourage people to love God and oneanother and to live simply not exploiting mother earth and her resources, which if everyone embraced there would be no issue of 'global warming' or of world hunger, 'Simple living, High thinking'. Devotees embrace God in all of their thoughts, actions, words and encourage others to remember Him also. They accept all of the servants of God like Jesus and love them completely,(more than anyone). If you look at the Holy Bible, the Holy Quran, the Torah you will see that the Devotees are living examples of how God expects civilized humans to be living, not only in words but in actions. They are people who are genuinely surrendering and devoting their lives to God and the propergation of God consciousness, if anyone finds fault with that then they are surely the most unfortunate of sad sad souls.
Hare Krsna



2011-12-18 04:32

Hare Krishna



2011-12-18 04:34

siempre hay que apoyar comunidad agricolas sobre todos cuando son respetuosos de la naturaleza y de los animales.



2011-12-18 04:48

It is shame !



2011-12-18 04:49

Krishna Consciousness, it is the benefit of all mankind.



2011-12-18 04:52

the sweetest people on the earth, the Devotees, who open their Temples to all people of all races, religion, social status and backgrounds holding no descrimination against anyone who wish to inquire about God, are constantly being per secuted. Devotees do not harm any living creature, they encourage people to love God and oneanother and to live simply not exploiting mother earth and her resources, which if everyone embraced there would be no issue of 'global warming' or of world hunger, 'Simple living, High thinking'. Devotees embrace God in all of their thoughts, actions, words and encourage others to remember Him also. They accept all of the servants of God like Jesus and love them completely,(more than anyone). If you look at the Holy Bible, the Holy Quran, the Torah you will see that the Devotees are living examples of how God expects civilized humans to be living, not only in words but in actions. They are people who are genuinely surrendering and devoting their lives to God and the propergation of God consciousness, if anyone finds fault with that then they are surely the most unfortunate of sad sad souls.
Hare Krsna Kavita



2011-12-18 04:52

Why Govt is doing such a thing?



2011-12-18 05:52

харе кришна



2011-12-18 05:54

харе бол



2011-12-18 06:29




2011-12-18 07:00

Hare krsna movement needs protection asit is a bonafide spiritual movement



2011-12-18 07:12

I request the Hungarian parliment to retain the Krishna valley to Hare krishna's taking into consideration the valuable services rendered by the Hare Krishna society to the Hungarians. Thank you for your cooperation in this regard.



2011-12-18 07:12

The Hare Krsnas are doing the best work. Please don't harass them but support them



2011-12-18 07:27

Hare Krsna



2011-12-18 08:01

Banning the Bhagavad Gita As It Is is like locking all of humanity within a room without windows and then throwing away the key.



2011-12-18 08:44

pl help to save value & humanity



2011-12-18 10:01

Allow a society of consciousness of Krishna to continue to own their earths. Don't take away from them possibility to care of cows!!! To create kindly much it is more important, than to take away something from others!



2011-12-18 10:07

Дорогие преданные, молитесь Кришне - он - правда и справедливость, он вся сила и он великий защитник своих преданных! Там где даже нет надежды - всегда есть Господь и только он может помощь в самой бызвыходной ситуации!!! Пусть ваша вера не знает преград. ХареКришна!



2011-12-18 10:10

Krisna consciousness is for everyone Irrespective of your beliefs.

It's to improve ourselves an know our Beeing.



2011-12-18 11:56

why are there three other petitions like this going on? were they started by people who wanted to take away potential signers who came looking for this, the real petition? All the petitions should be combined.